KEEN 2020 Annual Report

9 Georgia Institute of Technology brought on a career advisor to encourage students to develop EM and see its value in helping them achieve their career and life goals. University of Dayton incorporates EML into the interview process for hiring new engineering faculty. University of Wisconsin, Platteville offers monthly “Teaching With Impact” symposia that build on EM-themed topics; faculty can also attend “EML Helpline” workshops for assistance with course updates. Villanova University offers a semi-annual, week-long workshop to introduce EM to faculty members and work on developing course content with EM elements. Santa Clara University engages faculty through an orientation session and follow-up assistance on the development of an EML module. The Milwaukee School of Engineering has incorporated EML into the new faculty onboarding protocols. Arizona State University is building a community of practice around EM and invites staff to participate in its EM and peda- gogy workshops. Drexel University is currently piloting a program to train staff Lawrence Technological University counts publications related to course modifications, including ASEE ENT Division papers, toward promotion and tenure. Marquette University is in the process of reviewing promotion and tenure policies with an eye toward support for EML. Recruiting and Hiring: Continued Faculty Development: Faculty Orientation and Early Career: Staff Professional Development: Promotion & Tenure: Culture Community Partners Activities 6 8 Partners Activities 29 87 Partners Activities 16 19 Partners Partners Activities Activities 9 3 10 4 Faculty Activity Highlights EM-related activities on partner campuses go beyond published cards. KEEN partners are engaged in 732 activi- ties...check out the examples here and on subsequent pages to find inspiration! 35 Partners with 128 Activities FACULTY with diabetes as one market, and it wasn’t until we spoke to customers that we realized there were distinct groups within the market.” Rust’s experience has improved his ability to teach EM concepts to his students. “Before this experience, I thought I understood product development, but now I have a much better understanding of the steps and fi- nancing behind products. I understand that world a whole lot better. Now when I do a class project, I frame it in a Dr. Michael Rust real-world context for my students, modeling it after my experience. It is much more authentic; and the students feel this is more than a class. “EM and KEEN are not about starting a venture. But this learning experience has made me more confident about anything else I’ve ever wanted to do. I think that’s what we all, as faculty, want for our students.”