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General Card #1789
Products & Markets
Updated: 12/20/2019 11:35 AM by Kara Knowski
Every First Year student at Olin undertakes a series of experiments, and learns how to "find comfort in the uncomfortable" in this introductory class.
Products & Markets is Olin’s introductory entrepreneurship class and is taken by every student in the second semester of their first year. In this course students are introduced to Olin’s unique definition of entrepreneurship which is built upon experimentation, grounded in the context of engineering and driven by the question: “How do we create value?” Value for our users, value for our customers, value for our selves and value for the world.

In small, dynamic teams, students explore their entrepreneurial curiosity and pursue their own definitions of value by creating real products, services and businesses then testing them with real users and customers. Using these projects as a backdrop, students learn entrepreneurial experimentation, how to successfully pursue product-market fit and develop team skills that are crucial to their success, not just as entrepreneurs but as engineers, innovators and citizens.

With this card, we are sharing a few introductory resources related to key course themes including experimentation, teamwork and feedback. If these pique your curiosity, please reach out to Lawrence.neeley@olin.edu to continue the conversation!
  • Demonstrate constant curiosity about our changing world
  • Integrate information from many sources to gain insight
Creating Value
  • Identify unexpected opportunities to create extraordinary value
  • Determine Design Requirements
  • Identify Opportunity
  • Investigate Market
  • Develop Partnerships & Build Team
  • Communicate Societal Benefits
Categories & Tags
  • Engineering Education
  • General Engineering
Below is a video overview for Olin's Products & Markets Course.

Additionally, you will find some of the resources we use to engage students and foster an entrepreneurial mindset.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Products & Markets Overview Video 11/13/2019 -  
Photo Album of 2017 Class Photo / Graphic 11/13/2019 -  
Finding the Coaching in Criticism Journal / Article 12/4/2019 -  
Most Productive Way to Develop Journal / Article 12/4/2019 -  
Talking to Humans by Giff Constable Book .pdf 12/4/2019 2.1 MB 482
Why the Lean Start-Up Changes Everything Journal / Article 12/4/2019 -  

At Olin we have an expansive definition of entrepreneurship. We focus on developing people over products, and behaviors over businesses. Throughout the curriculum we connect the teaching of engineering to entrepreneurship by encouraging our students to put the creation of real value for real people at the forefront of everything they do. Our entrepreneurship stream offers students a structured experience to help them develop the mindset, the methods and the resources needed to act on their entrepreneurial ideas and interests.
Title Type Ext Date Size Downloads
Entrepreneurship at Olin Video 11/13/2019 -