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General Card #2409
Social Justice and Entrepreneurially Minded Learning: Who are we creating value for? (2021 KNC Session)
Updated: 6/14/2023 11:53 AM by Becky Benishek
Reviewed: 10/14/2022 12:06 PM by Becky Benishek
signature assignment focused on social justice in engineering designs using story-driven learning and problem solving studios to create values for more people
Many innovative engineering creations throughout history have been designed for an “average” person, meaning that only select people could access the value created by these innovations. In this session, we will explore an assignment in a traditional analytical required engineering course that incorporates social justice concepts by requiring students to use their entrepreneurial mindset in a case study of bias in engineering. Demonstrating their curiosity, students are challenged to identify and explore an historical case of bias in a design solution that resulted in a lack of value creation for either themselves or someone they know. Then, the students integrate this story of personal interest to them with their engineering skill set to develop a conceptual model for both the original solution and a solution that creates value for those individuals who were not served by the original solution. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to draft their own EML/Social Justice assignment and receive feedback on their idea from other participants and the facilitators.
Learning Objectives


After this session the participants will be able to:


  • Implement a similar signature assignment in their courses to foster entrepreneurial mindset within their students (see card: "Bias in design: Who are we creating value for?"). 
  • Have the opportunities to create value for others and for society by finding prior or existing engineering designs or processes that were biased to serve the needs of one group of people but not others. And using their engineering expertise to recommend improvement to resolve that bias.
  • Be able to innovate within their teaching and in their courses, to use story-driven learning to connect the concepts and learning activities of their courses in a meaningful way to the personal experiences of their students.

Also they will have a "Social Justice and EML workbook" that includes:

  • Project descriptions/instructions, designed for students, that describes the two phases of the
  • project and how to complete them
  • A statement that prompts students to reflect on, or tell their story of, a biased engineering design and how it has impacted someone they know
  • Some example student work such as stories and final projects
  • Annotated bibliography of papers related to social justice and EML
  • A draft idea of how to run a similar assignment in their own course 
  • Slides from the workshop that includes the workshop’s activities and contact information


Instructor Tips

This will be a highly interactive session. So it will be great to review the workbook document (see the attachment), project handouts and "Bias in design: Who are we creating value for?" card in EU portal, carefully. Beach the participants will engage with parts of a signature assignment, previously implemented in a required undergraduate engineering course, that is designed to promote student awareness of health disparities caused by biased engineering design, so reviewing those documents will help you to help the participants.
Make sure you prepare a platform for break-out groups and feedback system because the participants should be able to self-reflect and work with others, in break-out groups, to provide each other with supportive feedback.
Make sure to review the requirements of a good story in the attached documents, because you want to help the participants with the development of a story that illustrates how they, or someone they knew, were adversely impacted by a biased engineering design. Also you should be able to help the participants to develop an outline of a case study that is designed to tell the story of the biased engineering design in a way that will raise the awareness of lay people (non-engineers). and also do some initial brainstorming about how to help their students leverage their technical skills to consider new design ideas, motivated by their case study, to create value for society.

  • Demonstrate constant curiosity about our changing world
  • Integrate information from many sources to gain insight
Creating Value
  • Identify unexpected opportunities to create extraordinary value
  • Persist through and learn from failure
  • Determine Design Requirements
  • Identify Opportunity
  • Evaluate Tech Feasibility, Customer Value, Societal Benefits & Economic Viability
Categories & Tags
  • Classroom & Courses
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Engineering Education
  • Entrepreneurship
Here you can find the handouts and the rubrics for this workshop which includes all of our course handouts and rubrics also a detailed instruction to use them in your class.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
01-Phase 0 Self-awareness.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/16/2020 26.6 KB 723
02-Phase 1 Handout Fall 20.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/16/2020 452.8 KB 729
03-Phase 1 Product Rubric fall 20.pdf Assessment / Rubric .pdf 11/16/2020 21.5 KB 716
04-Phase 1 Story Rubric Fall 20.pdf Assessment / Rubric .pdf 11/16/2020 23.8 KB 730
05-Phase 1 Peer review Fall 20.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/16/2020 24.7 KB 715
06-Phase 2 Handout Fall 20.pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 11/16/2020 18.2 KB 744
07-Phase 2 Product Rubric Fall 20.pdf Assessment / Rubric .pdf 11/16/2020 20.3 KB 737
08-Phase 2 Story Rubric Fall 20.pdf Assessment / Rubric .pdf 11/16/2020 24.1 KB 736
09-Presentation Rubric Fall 20.pdf Assessment / Rubric .pdf 11/16/2020 22.3 KB 718
Here you can have the materials we used in the workshop.
Title Type Ext Date Size Download All Downloads
Workbook for KEEN Winter 2021 final version (2).pdf Activity / Handout .pdf 2/5/2021 2 MB 788
KNC 2021 Workshop slides.pdf Presentation .pdf 2/5/2021 82.1 MB 836
Video: Social Justice and Entrepreneurially Minded Learning: Who are we creating value for?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfK4vy8Yc0k Video 3/22/2021 -