Video Library

Get inspired by thought leaders in the entrepreneurial mindset (EM) movement for engineering education! 

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Why Have an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Engineering?

Entrepreneurial vs. Traditional Engineering

Why Entrepreneurial Mindset Matters

Why We Need an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Two students demonstrate how engineering with an entrepreneurial mindset can lead to commercial and personal success.
Douglas E. Melton, Ph.D, shares why the entrepreneurial mindset is the key to success for engineering undergraduate students.
Dr. Richard Miller explains why the entrepreneurial mindset should be at the core in transforming how engineers are educated.

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Faculty Talks

Teaching Students to See Connections

Can Human Heart Muscle Grow on Spinach?

Reimagining Promotion & Tenure

Dr. Sarah Wodin-Schwartz shares how to inspire students to become change-makers, seeing connections between their technical skills and the world around them.
Dr. Glenn Gaudette's entrepreneurial mindset led him to a major medical and scientific breakthrough merging biological kingdoms to grow human heart cells to fight heart disease.
Margaret Pinnell discusses a P&T policy that rewards innovation and allows faculty to lean into their gifts, talents, and passions.

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Student Impact

How to Really Reach Your Students

What Engineers Need to Know

Finding Personal Fulfillment

Student Anna Hecht challenges educators to allow students to take ownership.
Student George Valcarcel showcases how students co-create curriculum with faculty to create value for other students.
The story of how one student learned that engineering with an entrepreneurial mindset impacted not only other students, but his family.

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Faculty Testimonials

Don't Be Afraid to Innovate

Competitions: Winning Even When Losing

Prepare Students For the Global Future

Blake Hylton invests his first years with an entrepreneurial mindset to impact their career trajectory.
Megan and Timothy Reissman use the entrepreneurial mindset to structure competition, pushing students into showmanship and solutioning.
Michael Swartwout shares how faculty work together to find new ways to equip students to meet the challenges they'll face in their careers.

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Industry Validation

Industry Wants Students With This Mindset

Creating Catalysts for Transformation

How To Find Success in Industry

Peter Rogers applies his experience in industry to student education, impacting creativity and problem solving.
Learn from Rajan Rajendran why companies should place an emphasis on the entrepreneurial mindset of their employees, and why universities should work to instill diverse thinking in their students.
Karl Schultz, PhD, shares how the 3C's of entrepreneurial mindset have been integral throughout his entire career.

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Live Discussions On Demand

Ready, Set, Change!

How To Create Virtual Engineering Labs

The Curiosity Index

How do you handle faculty resistance to change? Julia Williams offers strategies to navigate through campus landscapes.
Wondering how other universities create virtual engineering labs? Learn from faculty at Arizona State University, Bucknell University, and University of St. Thomas.
Assess the curiosity level of your students and learn about the study from the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

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